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John 8:12 |
Some people will be upset because they feel I am saying people shouldn't be having fun, others will be upset as they don't think I am taking it seriously enough. I'm a pretty simple person, my views have become clearer and so I thought I would share this.
1. A simple thing is we Celebrate Christmas and Easter as Christians, they are Holy Days and times to celebrate. Halloween is like Bonfire Night or the May Day Bank Holiday, it's not something we worship, so using the language of celebrate confuses the issue.
2.Halloween if you do it, please take the time to think about what you are doing and how. As a Christian I know that Jesus has triumphed over sin, darkness and death, so if you are having a Halloween party for that reason (come to our Superhero Party), then great, carve your pumpkin with signs of light and hope and make sure you are clear to your children why you are engaged.
3. If you call yourself a Christian and you just need an excuse for a party, then I understand, but have a think about the costumes, and theme and the message you give to your children as they are sloshing around with sweets is what you are watching age appropriate? Think about your spending, it's not about the best costume, get your old sheets out, make things with your children to give away, think about how much plastic tat you really need (Blue Planet anyone) yes get them something to enjoy but I'm all for teaching children to give rather than to take. So if you do go Trick or Treating "Say Thank you", but make sure you are welcome to the places you visit.
4. For those who think Halloween is all about Darkness I would say, it's more about Commercialism. We do need to talk more about Life before and Life after death in Jesus Christ, we do need to be willing to talk about Angels and our Supernatural God, so there isn't a vacuum. But I would also say, as Christians light and darkness cannot dwell together, Tarot, Ouija, Spiritism, Mediums and the Occult have no place in the Church. Jesus is the Light of the World.
There is plenty more that can be said, but I'd rather be clear about why it is I don't celebrate, I engage, I will even be having fun, got my Batman Suit ready (Not cowering in the dark in a back room) but just because it's a bit of fun, doesn't mean I check my brain and my heart at the door, neither should you.
Grace and Peace